Frequently Asked Questions
What are the benefits of using Blood Flow restriction training?
Blood Flow Restriction training is a modality that has recently grown in popularity as a tool to facilitate “muscular adaptions that can improve muscle mass and strength” The Systemic Effects of Blood Flow Restriction Training: A Systematic Review - PMC ( Traditional methods to improve muscle mass and strengthening utilized a training method using loads of 70-85% if a one-rep max. However, recent research has shown that Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) training, when combined with low-load resistance training and cardiovascular training, which aren’t typically associated with muscular adaptations, can improve muscular mass and strength. Blood flow restriction training requires the use of a cuff placed on a proximal part of a limb. When tightened to a specific pressure, the occlusion of the venous and arterial flow creates an environment appropriate for the outlined muscular adaptations.
How does the LiveBand Blood Flow Restriction System work?
The LiveBand BFR system is a clinical-grade blood flow restriction device, designed with safety as a top priority. LiveBand utilizes a pneumatic cuff placed proximally on a limb which, when set to a determined pressure, will partially occlude both venous and arterial flow distal to the cuff.
LiveBand utilizes automatic pressure sensors to find 100% occlusion pressure. Once this individualized pressure is attained, our proprietary algorithm is used to calculate accurate percentages to be used during activity.
LiveBand BFR also features Active Pressure Management. This attribute is optimized during activity, where the device works to autoregulate and maintain the percent occlusion pressure set at the beginning of the workout.
The device is designed to accurately adjust the pressure in response to limb position and activity speed at a rate of 500x/second. This ensures the utmost accuracy of limb occlusion pressure, limiting the potential for occlusion pressure to exceed safe activity ranges as limb position changes.
Is the LiveBand System suitable for beginners?
LiveBand BFR was designed with the safety of the user at the forefront.
LiveBand BFR utilizes Active Pressure Management, which is applicable to all users. Before the initial use of LiveBand BFR, it is recommended that a user go through device training to ensure an understanding of all of the device features and how they can be best utilized. Training and education for LiveBand BFR is available to all our customers at no additional cost.
We also offer BFR training (Training and education for the modality of blood flow restriction) in partnership with BFRPros. Please visit our Products Page for more details.
Who can benefit from using the LiveBand BFR System?
Please visit the “Applications for Blood Flow Restriction Training” section under Resources.
What are the advantages of using the LiveBand BFR system over other BFR devices?
LiveBand BFR brings the clinical feature of Active Pressure Management in a portable, untethered, cost-effective solution.
Additionally, the battery is rechargeable and removable, allowing for more flexibility. There is also no need to connect to Wi-Fi or Bluetooth since the controller unit screen is self contained and has all the controls needed to operate LiveBand without the need for an app.
What is "active pressure management"?
Active pressure management is a feature that the LiveBand BFR team feels is critical to safe and effective blood flow restriction treatment. Limb occlusion pressures fluctuate based on the position of the limb and speed of the activity being completed, as well as other factors. Because the limb occlusion pressure is taken at rest, that value is not necessarily the same as when the patient is completing an exercise. The active pressure management features uses the limb occlusion pressure and the percent limb occlusion set by the clinician to maintain that percent limb occlusion pressure during the exercise in real-time. This feature limits the possibility of the occlusion pressure rising to unsafe levels during the exercise.
How long is the Battery Life?
- The battery is designed to last 8 hours of normal clinical use
- Average time to charge a battery that is completely dead = 4 hours
- Average time to charge a battery that has partial charge: 2-3 hours
Does the device have to be attached to cuff all the time?
Yes, because the internal components including the pump/valve parts are inside the unit, it must be connected to the cuff for the entirety of the workout session to maintain cuff inflation and control active pressure management feature.
Are the cuffs specific to arm or leg?
No. Any of the cuff sizes can be used on the upper limb or lower limb depending on limb circumference.

So the controller device is interchangeable for all cuff sizes?
Yes. The device is compatible with all cuff sizes including Small, Medium, Large and XL.
If I want to repeat any protocol after completion of the initial protocol do I have to do the recalibration process again?
Yes. While this may seem like additional hassle during your patient’s treatment to recalibrate prior to a second session, completing this action will ensure the most accurate limb occlusion pressure for each treatment, since it is possible for the limb occlusion pressures to change.
What is the process if I want to stop the treatment mid-protocol?
There are a few ways to stop the device:
- Use the stop button on the screen to cause an immediate deflate of the cuff
- Remove the device from the cuff This will deflate the cuff, even if the device remains in the “workout mode”
- Remove the cuff entirely from the Velcro strap
The device will continue to work, however the patient will not have the device on the limb.
What are the cleaning instructions for LiveBand BFR?
- The cuffs can be cleaned with a low-level disinfectant
a. Low-level disinfectant ex: Purple PDI wipes, Clorox Healthcare Hydrogen Peroxide Wipes - The device can also be cleaned with low-level disinfectant, but NOT the screen. A dry cloth can be used to wipe the screen of any build-up.
What are the clothing recommendations for accurate use? Does it have to be skin-to-skin? Or is something recommended to be used underneath?
- The automatic limb occlusion measurement should happen under 2 min when reading the arm and under 5 min when reading the leg.
- It is recommended that the patient wear a fitted shirt/pair of shorts to create a barrier between the device and the skin
- It is possible to place the cuff directly on the skin
- It is NOT recommended to wear super thick, baggy or loose clothing as it may interfere with the ability to detect limb occlusion pressure accurately.
Do you need two separate devices to complete a bilateral treatment?
Yes. The controller unit must be attached to the cuff at all times. Hence, two separate kits need to be used for a bilateral treatment.
Is there any reason why LiveBand BFR cuffs are wide vs. narrow?
The recent research indicates that a wider cuff is necessary for improved delivery of the occlusion pressure for two factors
- More comfortable for the patient
- A larger surface area for the disbursement of pressure will decrease the change of injury to the tissue
- The cuff design maintains the same width ratio across the different lengths to accommodate all limb sizes comfortably.
Can I see a demo or try the device before I make a purchase?
Absolutely. Please email us at info@LiveBandBFR or fill out our contact form to book a demo.
I have a question that is not answered here.
Please email us at info@LiveBandBFR or fill out our contact form and we will be in touch as soon as possible.